

2021 SPRING/SUMMER DOCUMENTARY PROJECT collaborated with Youn Jung Kim


collaborated with Youn Jung Kim


The Mission 

I began to understand my responsibility as a designer while working under Yohji Yamamoto early in my career. He instilled me in a sense of pride and commitment to quality that would counter a world where overproduction and overconsumption in fashion have become the norm. Today, this lesson stays with me through ASHLYN.

My business model and purpose have evolved since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. With work and home life interrupted, I paused to ask myself about sustainability: who benefits from it and how it can be achieved? It’s here I faced some of the ugliest truths.

The latest research reports that fashion production is responsible for 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions. It dries up water sources, pollutes rivers and streams. When discarded, 85% of all textiles end up in landfills or are burned annually. Even washing garments, specifically those made of synthetic fibers, can release microplastics into the ocean with each cycle. With our planet and lives at stake, I am taking on the challenges of navigating ethical production and slowing down the fashion cycle while bringing beautiful designs to life.

ASHLYN addresses sustainability from several different fronts. The first and easiest step is to prioritize low-impact natural fibers such as linen, reiterative wool, and organic cotton. Secondly, in an effort to operate at low- or zero-waste, we’ve adopted a bespoke online offering and a made-to-order business model. This provides customers with a tailored, personal experience and allows us to produce intentionally without excess. We promise to recommend only the best silhouettes for each client and the highest quality we can offer. Our development process also involves thorough fittings so that our pieces last longer in your closet.

Lastly is education. We believe the bigger picture of sustainability must be to change consumer consciousness and behavior. First, we have chosen to focus on two thoughtful collections annually instead of industry expected four collections. Second, we will introduce two innovative Zero-Waste designs each collection to bring awareness to the matter. Third, ASHLYN will delivery only the highest quality, well-made clothing so it can be worn over the years to reduce waste. And as consumers become increasingly more knowledgeable about the lifecycles of their clothing, we will continue to share how ASHLYN is rising to meet the challenges of creating a better future for our clients and our planet.


  1. ‘Dreaming of sustainability in a material world’ by Stacey Cook, National Geographic.

  2. ‘The fashion industry emits more carbon than international flights and maritime shipping combined. Here are the biggest ways it impacts the planet’ by Morgan McFall-Johnsen, Business Insider.